Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wait, You Blog?

I know what you are thinking... how hard is it for a guy with three kids under three to write a blog post on a monthly basis? To be honest, I have had opportunities to do so or could at least write a little every day and save it until I have a full post, but have just not been very motivated to write, writers block if you will.

I've come to the realization that my blogging is at least semi-impactful or has the potential to be. Though I am not an important or influential person by any means, people may be interested in my opinion or at least looking for some insight when faced with having their own kids. At the very least I can reference how my faith in Jesus Christ has molded me as a parent and guided me in the right directions towards showing my sons how to grow spiritually and seek God in all things.

Obviously right now they may not grasp the concept of a life rooted in Christ, but I have been planting the seeds of prayer, worship, respectfulness, faith, reading God's word, etc. To Benson, it probably just seems to be a pattern currently, he mimics what we look like when we pray, tries to sing a long to the worship songs I sing to him, and seems to intently listen to the daily children's devotional I read to him. My constant prayer is that I can guide all three boys to salvation through Christ, but I know ultimately it is a decision they have to make on their own.

Growing up I enjoyed Church and Sunday school, although I didn't always like getting up early to go to Church and on occasion would get mean to my parents and ultimately not go because I just wanted to stay in bed. Sorry mom and dad, I was rude at times and should have been obedient. My hope is that I can show my children the fun side of fellowship with others on a weekly basis and that they are not alone when it comes to being in a family that is Christ centered.

Those are my constant thoughts, that, and, am I being a good Godly leader for my family? It starts with me, I need to make sure my relationship with God is in order before I can even begin to think about leading my family. Am I reading my Bible on a daily basis, could I be reading it more? Am I not only praying to the Lord in my time of need, but also thanking him for all that he has already given me, but more importantly, am I taking the time to actually listen to God's response to my prayer? Am I guarding myself from the pleasures of this world that give only a temporary means of satisfaction, but really are sins that are spitting in the face of God?

OK, that is my, "in case you were wondering about my Faith" opening, honestly if you are curious about God, Christ as a Savior, Christianity in general, let me know, I don't have all the answers, but have wonderful Christian leaders in my life that may, so would be happy to guide or let you know what I know. Ask away!

Now, the boys, let's just get a quick status update out there.

Benson - 2 years and 4 months old now, using full sentences, mimicking constantly, running always, currently loves pickles.

Wyatt - 7 and 1/2 months old now (where did the time go??), recently said "da da," the day after father's day, probably by accident, scoots on his back or rolls, doesn't usually end up where he wants to go. Has two teeth, possibly a third and fourth coming in as well.

Ryder -  7 and 1/2 months (minus 1 minute from Wyatt), spits a lot, probably because it feels good on his gums, smiles constantly, no teeth yet, but has for sure been working on it. Can roll, but struggles with it at times. Sits up well!

Both twins are sitting up and are eating baby goop (random forms of pureed concoctions pre-packaged by Gerber®), so far they seem to like most things that we feed them, so that's good. They are slowly reducing the amount of bottles they need each day, which is also good. Sleep-wise they are hit or miss most nights, we put them down at around 9ish and generally they wake up searching for a pacifier at midnightish, on a really good night they will sleep all the way till I feed them at 5 AM, on a bad night they will wake up every hour from 9 to 5... not my favorite.

Overall, being a father of three boys has been such a blessing so far. There are tough moments, but those always pale in comparison to all of the wonderful times. It's been wonderful to watch them grow and watch the twins interact with each other as well as Benson interact with them. He is rough on occasion, but most of them time he genuinely wants to be around with them and play with them.

We are looking forward to a lot of fun times outdoors with the boys this summer, whether it be walking, going to the park, possibly going to the beach, or just hanging out on the deck. It's nice to be able to spend time altogether as a family and enjoy the boys.

Through everything in our lives, I've never been more in love with my wife than I am now and that love continues to grow on a daily basis, Pauline is such an amazing woman and I am blessed to have her in my life. Plus she's hot so that's a plus, I mean, she had twins, and she looks fantastic! I couldn't think of a better partner in raising our three boys, she does such a wonderful job with them at home while I am at work.

As I normally do, here is an overload of pictures, in no particular order, some are old because I haven't posted in 6 months..........:

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